27 March 2020

Friday 27 March, 2020

Greetings from the independent territory of Tinyapartmentia!

Woke up this morning (and in the middle of the night) with my upper left molars screaming at me.  I have a temporary crown on the bottom that popped off last week (I stuck it back on like a cave person).  I was supposed to have that replaced with the permanent crown last week, but with our province shutting down all non-essential services, that apparently meant dentists.  I’ve had the temporary crown for 3.5 weeks now.  Ironically, it’s not really giving me much trouble, other than worrying about keeping it clean, but ever since the appointment the top half has been killing me.  It happened before, when I got my other crown, I think it’s because of the needle going into the back sort of arch area between the upper and lower jaw, but it’s been a long time.  I’ve been taking Advil for the pain the whole time.  Hopefully I don’t run out.
Today I’m trying out having a list of things I want to do, each day.  I don’t want the days to run into each other, because that way lies madness.  So, even this week when I’m “on vacation” I will have things to do, tasks to accomplish.

Today it’s:

8am – get up (…827…)
8am (ish) to 1030am (ish) – have breakfast (eggs on toast and tea) and watch Good Mythical Morning and Kimmel's Quarantine Minilogue
1030am (ish) – forage for groceries
1115am to 1pm – come back to Tinyapartmentia and watch our prime minister’s daily address, and watch the local news.  Tidy during commercials.  Have lunch TBT.
1pm to 2pm – walk on the treadmill
2pm to 230pm – stretch
230pm to 8pm (ish) – what’s on TV?  Yesterday there was a Picard marathon, which was cool.  Tidy or something productive during commercials
8pm (ish) – watch violin instruction videos and begin learning to play
10pm – Bedtime (trying to be strict with maintaining wake-up and bed times, to maintain a routine)

We’ll see how it goes. J

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