26 March 2020

Thursday 26 March, 2020

A state of emergency has been declared for my province, and my now my city.

A state of emergency is about to be declared in my apartment too.  I’ve been staring at these 4 walls for a few weeks, and now that I’ve been working from home, it’s just me even more.  I mean it’s always just me, but now it’s JUST ME.  Am I making sense?  I dunno…I have nobody to ask!

And if I did ask…what if I got an answer?!

What's the difference between a state of emergency for a country vs a province vs a city?  Hey!  That's something to do!  Woohoo!  LEARNING!!

Today I washed my dish towels by hand, like Laura Ingalls, because my apartment's washer is broken (of course).  I have other stuff to wash, but I'm not sure how to go about it.  Jeans and stuff need to be scrubbed somehow right?  Damn my modern city knowledge!

I've been very selective of where I get my COVID-19 information.  There's so much half-information, fake information and overall hysteria that I'm just not partaking in anything but actual facts, from reputable sources.  Luckily my local news has taken a very fact-based approach, which while being thorough, isn't mining every little whisp of information, sensationalizing it, and putting it out there as "fact".  I'm also making it a point to only watch the news once a day, not 3x like I could be. 

I need to maintain a sense of balance and normalcy, even though these "difficult/challenging times" that everyone keeps calling it, are anything but normal.  I don't need added angst, things are angsty enough already!

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